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Acala Tea Co.

"Lemongrass" Organic

"Lemongrass" Organic

Regular price $10.00 USD
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Lemongrass is a wonderful botanical tisane not only because it is delicious, but also because it brews over and over again.  

In Ayurvedic medicine, lemongrass has a cooling effect.  It reduces Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, but increases Vata when taken in excess.  It is considered to have a pungent, bitter taste which aids in digestion, although the mouth taste is actually refreshing and uplifting.

Lemongrass is considered an expectorant due to its drying properties.  This is especially helpful for Kapha dosha because it is a good expectorant and balances Kapha's high body temperatures with it's natural cooling nature. 

Enjoy it all day long as a hot tisane or refrigerate for a delicious cold beverage.  See Brewing Instructions.  

Tea Specifics

Organic Lemongrass

Cymbopogon citratus

Lemongrass is naturally caffeine-free

Tasting Notes

Mellow Grassy and Floral Aroma, Lemon, Sweet, Tart, Warmth, Comforting

Brewing Recommendations

Serving Size: 4g (2 tsp) per 150ml (~1/2 cup) (5oz) purified water.

Ideal Brewing Vessel: Glass tea pot with infuser; porcelain or ceramic tea pot with strainer; tea sachets

Western Style Steeping: Boil water to 212F/100C. Steep for 2-3 minutes before pouring through a strainer into a tea cup or pitcher. Brew again because many times, Lemongrass tastes better on the second steeping.*

Sachet Brewing: Add 2-4g (1-2 tsp) to a tea sachet and place inside a mug filled with 212F/100C water. Steep for 2 minutes. Can be brewed a second and third time.

Cold Brew: Place 4g (2 tsp) in a pitcher and fill with 450ml water. Refrigerate for a few hours or overnight. Use a strainer when serving. Can be refilled for a second steeping.

*Adjust the brew time, temperature and leaf volume to fit your taste: A lower temperature increases vegetal flavor; a shorter brewing time decreases astringency; and a lower volume of leaves reduces bitterness.

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